How To Pay

We support the following payment options:
Easy paisa/ Easy pay
Jazz cash
Cash on delivery (COD )
When you make a purchase using the COD option, your product will be booked. Our delivery boy will call you for the delivery of the product if you missed the call please call him back or notify us on our official number.
Cash on Delivery option is available on purchases up to a limit of Rs.5, 000, beyond that, purchases can only be made by making 50% advance payment.
Advance payment method
Visit any Easy paisa shop with your original CNIC and photocopy of CNIC.
Ask the retailer to send the money to our Easy paisa mobile account number: 0308-3963914
Easy paisa retailer will enter the following:
•    Your CNIC
•    Amount to be paid for the order
•    Your mobile number
You will receive SMS confirmation which will contain your unique transaction ID. (Do not share that ID with the retailer), send that SMS/ screenshot of SMS on our number, our representative will confirm you about your transaction.